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Showing posts from June, 2020

How Can I Lose Weight?

Do I really need to lose weight? Some teenagers say that they want to lose weight. However . . . Many are more concerned about their appearance than their health.  To shed pounds, some resort to quick fixes, like skipping meals or taking weight-loss pills. Such methods usually prove futile and are sometimes even dangerous. “Some girls starve themselves to get faster results. This usually backfires, and then it takes a long time for their body to recover from the damage.”—Hailey. Many who are concerned about their weight should not be.  Their weight is fine—but perhaps they feel fat when they compare themselves with their peers or with the skinny “ideal” that the media promotes. “When I was 13, I compared myself to my friends. I thought they would like me more if I looked like them—which meant that I had to be stick-thin.”—Paola. On the other hand, some young people really do need to lose weight. According to a World Health Organization report . . ...

How Can I Get More Sleep?

Audio Audio download options How Can I Get More Sleep If you’re failing math, you might think that you just need to study harder. If you’re not performing your best at sports, you might think you just need to practice more. But in both cases what you really might need is more sleep. Consider why.   Why do you need sleep?   What is keeping you up?   How can you get more sleep?   What your peers say   Why do you need sleep? Experts say that most teenagers need between eight and ten hours of sleep a night. Why is it important that you get enough sleep? Sleep sharpens your mental skills.  Sleep has been called “food for the brain.” It can help you improve at school, at sports, and in your problem-solving skills. Sleep improves your attitude and mood.  Sleep-deprived people are more likely to experience mood swings, feel sad or depressed, and have problems getting along with others. Sleep makes you a safer driver.  A study in the United States revealed...

How Can I Deal With a Breakup?

“After my girlfriend and I broke up,” says Steven, “I had what I can only describe as a meltdown. It was the most intense emotional pain I’ve felt in my life.” Have you had a similar experience? If so, this article can help you.   How it feels   What you can do   How it feels A breakup is bound to cause pain for  both  parties involved. If you initiated the breakup, perhaps you can relate to Jasmine, who says, “Knowing that I hurt someone I cared about was a burden on my conscience that I hope never to carry again.” If you did  not  initiate the breakup, you probably understand why some have called the experience a mini-death. “I actually went through the stages of grieving,” says a young woman named Janet, “including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally​—nearly a year later​—acceptance.” The bottom line:  A breakup can leave you feeling downhearted and despondent. As one Bible writer put it: “A crushed spirit saps one’s strength.”​—...

What is sexting? “Sexting” is the practice of sending sexually explicit texts, photos, or videos via cell phone. “It’s almost the normal order of operation now,” says one man. “You text back and forth and pretty soon you’re exchanging hot photos.” Why do people do it? The way some teenagers see it, “having a naked picture of your significant other on your cellphone is an advertisement that you’re sexually active,” says a senior deputy prosecuting attorney quoted in  The New York Times.  “It’s an electronic hickey.” One teenager even calls it a form of “safe sex.” After all, she says, “you can’t get pregnant from it and you can’t transmit S.T.D.’s.” Other reasons teenagers sext include the following: To flirt with someone they hope to be in a relationship with. Because someone has already sent them an explicit photo and they feel pressured to ‘return the favor.’   What are the consequences of sexting? Once you send a photo via cell phone, you no longer own it, nor can you ...

Ways to Improve Your Health

WHO wants to be sick? At the very least, an illness is an inconvenience and an expense. You not only feel bad, but when you are sick, you may not be able to go to work or school, earn any money, or look after your family. You may even need someone to look after you, and you may have to pay for expensive medicines and treatment. Well has it been said that “Prevention is better than cure.” Some illnesses cannot be avoided. Still, there is much you can do to slow down or even prevent the onset of illness. Consider five things that you can do today to get on the road to better health.   1 PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE According to the Mayo Clinic, “one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness” is to wash your hands. One of the easiest ways to catch a cold or influenza is to rub your nose or your eyes when your hands have been contaminated by germs. Your best defense against such contamination is to wash your hands regularly. Good hygiene can also prevent the spread of more ...